This council Conducts the Courses of elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Senior Secondary School examinations, providing an alternative education to choose from either Government aided Boards/councils or a Non-Government independent Autonomous Body. (AICON) ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE) is a Trademark filled by the All India Council for Open
Education (AICON). So (AICON) is the proprietor and owner of the Brand (AICON) as per the Trademark Registry’s Records. As per government records the trademark (AICOE) has been applied under TM class 41. TM class 41- education through regular courses secondary and senior secondary education through open education along with distance learning i.e. learning with open courses ware, vocation training (short term courses) entertainment sporting and cultural activities. The Registered address of Trademark Applicant ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (AICON) is PANDAPARA KALIBARI, P.O. PADAPARA, Dist. JALPAIGURI, WEST BENGAL-735101 i.e. the Applicant is Address and if there is an authorized Attorney or an agent, then the duplicate copy of the same needs to be sent to be concerned Authorized Attorney or agent. (AICON) ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE) Trademark’s Current Status as of January 2022 objected.
Some information terms and facts to be understood while checking the information about (AICON) ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE).
Trademarks are started below
- Trade mark Applicant- The person who applies for the Trademark (AICON) All India Council for Open Education is called a Trademark Applicant.
- IP India- IP India is a government body that provides every information related to intellectual property and it’s a body that regulates the rules and functioning of various intellectual properties, Trademark being one of those IP right.
- Trademark class:- Total there are 45 TM classes that defines all sorts of business activities. First 34 Trademark classes are manufacturing based classifications and the next 11 classes are service based Trademark classes. Each classification has certain definition for the business activities included under it, like in the case of the case of the (AICOE) ALL INDIA COUNCIL OF OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE) Brand the trademark class it belongs to is TM class 41 and the explanation for the same is Education through regular courses, secondary and senior secondary education through open education along with distance learning, e-learning and open courses ware, vocational training (short term courses) entertainment, sporting and cultural activities.
- TM Status:- In simple term trademark status can be considered as the stages a Trademark passes during the process of Registration.
Some of the most common stages during the process are as follow
- New TM Application- We can call it the inception of a New Trademark Application basically it is the initiation of Trade-mark Registration Process. Every mark has to be filled via New Application, even the AICON ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR PEN EDUCATION (DEVICE) mark filled for a New TM Application.
- Formality Check Pass-It all the documents are submitted to the Government Department and the information provided is completely correct then the mark status changes from Send To Vienna Codification to FCP. At Company Vakil we ensure that words marks or logos like AICON ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE), filled via our portal always gets through the stage of Formality Check Pass without any failures.
- Examination Report Issued- This stages arise post FCP when the TM passes to the next level i.e. the mark has reached the Examiner and the examiner has released the report and the result is about to be published. The next level for AICOE ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE) TM would to clear the Examiner’s quality check and wait for the exam report to be issued on the same.
- Objected- One of the major stages during the Trade-mark approval process is of Trade-mark Objection, i.e. it’s the point at which a brand actually gets stuck due to certain structural, phonetic similarities or maybe due to non-distinctive nature of the mark. Company Vakil Experts are highly specialized in drafting Trademark Objection Replies, so feel free to reach us if you are stuck over the same. If AICOE ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE) Mark has some similarity to other marks in the same category or is non-distinctive in nature then the registrar has the full reason to object the same, until further reply over the same.
- Advertised before Acceptance- Once a Trade-mark passes the Registrar’s Examination, then the same is advertised in the journal for a period of 4 months, during that time period the TM status stays as Advertised before.
Acceptance. As the examiner clears marks like AICOE ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR OPEN EDUCATION (DEVICE), they automatically get promoted and published in the journal for 4 months.
As highlighted in the last few sections, the policy of OPEN EDUCATION is the bridge between India today and an India with 100% literacy. The syllabus of CBSE and NIOS is based on the same reference structure compiled by NCERT called the National Curriculum Framework. As observed by the principal of a CISCE school, the syllabus followed by NIOS is comparable to that followed by CISCE or any other national board. Hence, open schooling in theory seems to be reached where the formal system cannot reach, while maintaining the quality of education.

Mrs. Sarita Almeida
B.A.|| B.Ed
School Principal at Rahul Education, Mother Mary’s English High School