A student is required to hone many skills and abilities which is not a one-day job. A student needs to carve out these skills by practising every day and this takes a long time. These skills will be helpful not just in schools and colleges, but also in building a lucrative professional career.
What are soft skills?
These are skills that can be used to convey ideas and messages in an effective manner. These skills can also be used to handle serious situations while taking care of overall scenario. The soft skills are very important in today’s world where management and human. Soft Skills help to grow a powerful personality. It helps to stand out and to move forward in your every day activities to reach your goals. These skills are thus supposed to be used in every other situation, big or small. What are these skills? 10. Problem Solving Problem-solving will help in controlling situations that may get out of hand. This skill helps one come up with solutions for different scenarios. Improving your problem-solving skills is very important because we live in an uncertain world, where any sort of situation can turn into an unfavorable one. Students should know how to solve situational problems.
Problem Solving:-
Problem solving will help in controlling situations that may get out of hand. This skill helps one come up with solutions for different scenarios. Improving your problem-solving skills is very important because we live in an uncertain world, where any sort of situation can turn into an unfavorable one. Students should know how to solve situational problem.
Creative Thinking:-
Thinking creatively is of great importance as it leads to the expansion of the imagination. Students need to be creative in their approach in every aspect and it helps them understand the world in a better way and come up with answers that might give the rest of the world a new perspective. Ideation and creation are, thus, very elemental parts of education.
Teamwork is the most essential skill required at every stage of one’s career. Working together will always help in producing more. Students must understand the importance of unity. In higher levels of work, people will have to work together, in doing so many times they will have to confront each other and argue.
Decision Making:-
Students have to learn how to make decisions within the given time. By doing so they will have a stand of their own and will not have to depend on other people. By deciding which stream to pick, which electives to chose and which co-curricular activities they must go for, they learn what is best for them, which will form the foundation of this skill. Moreover, the people we choose as friends and the groups we mingle with also help us develop our personality. Even there, decision-making is important.
Intra-Personal Skills:-
Skills that help you understand yourself, your emotional intelligence, your thoughts, beliefs and opinions on things are known as intra-personal skills. These skills help you mold yourself into better leaders, with adequate knowledge about yourself you will know your stand on many decisions and ideas. Only when you try to understand yourself, will you be able to understand the others. You will need them the most when you will have to work on certain tasks all by yourself, and when you need to know your strengths and weaknesses.
Inter-Personal Skills:-
Once you understand yourself, you will start noticing how other people work. Skills that help you understand the intelligence and behavior of other people with whom you work are called interpersonal skills. These skills are helpful when it comes to working in groups. You will know how group dynamics work and how each person will react to a certain topic, so it will become easier for you put for the ideas in a certain manner so that it will be in your advantage.
Communication Skills:-
Be it a student or a working professional, this skill is required for every individual. This is a basic skill required for everyone to communicate. One has to understand how to face people who are aggressive and how to talk to people who can be sensitive. Students will find communication skills very helpful, if they develop them, as it will be useful in almost all the areas. Most of the services that careers offer deal with human beings in one way or another. Thus having good communication skills is not only important, it looks like a golden star on your resume.
Leadership Skills:-
For a student, one will always have decision to make. Whether she a follower or a leader. There will be opportunities like class election, and student union election and club president or representative leader that will test who the majority of people like and think should be a leader. But leaders can also come forth due to situations. Someone who is quick in thinking and can make the right decisions, coordinate other people and pull off an event or a situation with smooth functioning can spearhead as a leader. Leadership is an important soft skill, that a student can use further in their career.
Positive Attitude:-
When the world is filled with many negative factors, one has to win hearts with a positive approach. Starting from teachers to friends, everyone will look for someone who drives the academic year with a positive attitude. Students have to hone this skill to maintain their friendly atmosphere with everyone at an educational institute. With a positive attitude, students should consider some key areas that will help them develop a positive attitude such as high energy, enthusiastic, confident, cooperative, patient, respectable, respectful and sense of humour.
Listening Skills:-
A good listener enjoys the highest degree of respect in a society. Students should rate this as the first skill that should be honed because it is very important while pursuing a higher education. One should hone this skill by involving actions such as nodding their head and making eye contact. With these skills, any student will be able to reach the heights that they have always dreamed of.
Undoubtedly, students of today are the future employers and employees of profitable global businesses.
For students to stand out as promising assets to multinational organizations, they need to invest in the sharpening of what are labelled as soft skills. These abilities which are linked to personality traits are a host of interpersonal capabilities that will help the present day students to transform into outstanding corporate resources.
Use group projects to foster teamwork
Teamwork skills include the mix of interactive, interpersonal, problem-solving and communication skills needed by a group of people working on a common task, towards a common goal. In a conversation with North Carolina FCS teacher Ashley Edmonds recently, she shared the benefits of group projects in her FCS classroom. Any assignment that involves collaboration will help your students hone their ability to work in teams.
Begin with an elbow-bump (or a virtual high five)
We all know that a good handshake is a skill that can make a huge impression in any setting, particularly a business one. Although elbow bumps have replaced handshakes these days, practicing this skill will still help your students master the keys to a good first impression: Eye contact A ,confident greeting ,A smile
Cultivate empathy at every opportunity
Empathy is the ability to identify with another person by sharing in their perspective and feelings. This soft skill is commonly valued in the helping professions, like counseling and social work, but can bring great value to teams in all professions by helping develop camaraderie and trust.
Use real-world examples to make lessons relevant
The more relevant you can make your lessons, the more your students will engage with the content and connect what you’re teaching them with their own futures.
Create opportunities to practice teamwork with student-run scenarios letting students be in charge of skills practice scenarios whenever possible. Doing so promotes strong working relationships, which of course are needed not only in the classroom, but in the workplace
Set daily expectations
Every day, professionals around the world are expected to arrive on time, be prepared, dress for success, use proper spelling and punctuation, etc. You can set your students up to succeed in the workplace by expecting professionalism from them every day – even if you’re not meeting in person.
Make intentional assignment tweaks.
Even before the pandemic, research showed that the ability of a company to adapt was the new competitive advantage. That remains true today. Now more than ever, demand is growing for employees who can adapt to an ever-changing workplace, who is open to new ideas, and who doesn’t panic when things don’t go according to plan. How can you encourage this trait in your students? Intentional assignment tweaks is one way. Intentional assignment tweaks, changes half-way through, can help your students learn how to be flexible and adapt to change, two important soft skills. This can be done whether you’re teaching online or in-person.
- Practice giving and receiving feedback
- Set expectations. It’s about helping, not judging
- Use a feedback rubric fine-tune the process and encourage specific suggestions
- Moderate feedback to ensure it remains fair and helpful. Start with a small, short assignment, like the introduction to an essay or an assessment worksheet
- Use project-based learning to foster time management and responsibility. It not only engage students but let them connect the skills they’re learning with the real world.
Prioritize informal and speaking opportunities
Even before the pandemic, we were facing an increasingly connected world, thanks to technology and digital media. But that also means today’s students will be increasingly communicative. They’ll need to strong speaking and listening skills to succeed in the 21st Century workplace. That couldn’t be more true in a post-COVID world. This is why formal oral speaking opportunities, like individual or group presentations, promote the development of a number of skills, including communication and self-confidence.
Use small talk conversation cards
Small talk is considered a foundational soft skill. It’s where all conversations begin. It shows you can think on your feet; it demonstrates intelligence; and of course, it speaks to your ability to communicate.
- Used to conversing with people they may not be used to speaking with
- Practice the “three p’s” of small talk: being polite, positive and professional
- Learn valuable networking skills
- Use video diaries
As many teachers and students have learned firsthand these last few months, giving your students the chance to use technology in productive, meaningful ways will help them get used to using such tools and become comfortable – and video diaries are a great way to do this no matter what you teach. Plus, creating video diaries promotes reflection, critical thinking and communication skills, other valuable soft skills. Below are some ideas for reflecting after teaching soft skills:
- Write a one-minute paper
- Write journal entry or blog
- Create a video blog or video journal post
- Reflect out loud in class or in small groups
Whatever reflection activity you implement, stopping to take time to reflect will help your students learn from their mistakes and recognize strengths and weaknesses – and in the case of these soft skill tips, reflection will help them connect these lessons to the real-world.

Dr. Mamta Singh
B.A | B.Ed | M.A | Persuing M.Ed
School Principal at Rahul Education, Queen Mary’s High School
Start grading students on how well they listen to their peers. Discuss the importance of social-emotional intelligence in the real world. Design opportunities for students to build and demonstrate resilience. Make learning a personal experience, highlighting the way education shapes personality.
Students who recognize the importance of soft skills on time are able to master their studies more successfully, complete their student obligations smoothly, make more acquaintances that may prove useful in the future, and better present themselves to professors who can also play an important role in their future.
Through soft skills training programs, students will be able to better handle interpersonal relationships with a strong sense of empathy. They will also be in a favourable position to monitor the emotions of others so as to come up with well-informed perceptions about others’ behavior and thinking patterns.
Academic and career success require soft skills as well as “book-smarts.” I define soft skills as “a collection of abilities, behaviours, and attitudes that increase your effectiveness.” Successful students demonstrate soft skills such as commitment, effective communication, problem solving, accountability, and time.
Since most jobs require teamwork, it’s important to possess soft skills to enhance your employability and achieve your dream job. They will help you increase your productivity in your career, build professional relationships and thrive at your job.
It has many benefits, such as helping you to: recognise how your actions affect others, adapt to change, react appropriately to situations, understand why someone feels a certain way etc. Emotional intelligence essentially makes it easier for you form connections and work with others.
They found the top five soft skills youth need to develop to improve workforce success include: “social skills, communication, high-order thinking (problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making), self-control, and positive self-concept.”
Practical skills are self-help and life-saving skills and lessons that you can learn (often easily), teach to others, and practice every day to prepare and protect your and others’ health. Most practical skills do not require special certification or formal training to perform, but you do need education.
You would need to use practical intelligence in emergency situations where you would need to think quickly. Describe a situation in which cultural intelligence would help you communicate better. Cultural intelligence would help you communicate better when you are traveling and visiting a different country.
Practice increases student facility or automaticity (learning to apply elements of knowledge automatically, without reflection).When students practice solving problems, they increase their ability to transfer practiced skills to new and more complex problems.
Soft skills are often referred to as “people skills” or “non-cognitive skills” – essentially, the skills that are difficult to directly measure and the ones you can’t necessarily teach out of a book. These social skills are vital for growth, development, and future employment opportunities.