The right kind of education is not concerned with any ideology, however much it may promise a future utopia: it is not based on any system, however carefully thought out, nor is it a means of conditioning the individual in some special manner. Education in the true sense is helping the individual to be mature and free, to flower greatly in love and goodness. That is what we should be interested in, and not in shaping the child according to some idealistic pattern. The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole. The future of education will have:
Widely spread home schooling approach:
Due to the need to give education more individual approach, the priority will be given to homeschooling. Students will be able to study and learn what they want, when they want, and for as long as they want. It will also give more physical, emotional and religious freedom as well as opportunity to spend more time with family.
• Significantly less money is spent on homeschooling than on an average public school
• A school environment is more favorable at home. Peer pressure, competition, boredom, and bullies are no longer the part of an education process.
Personalized learning:
Students will cover the material with study tools adapted to capabilities of a student. As a result, students will be challenged with harder tasks and questions when a certain level is achieved. Those who experience difficulties with a subject will get the chance to practice more until they reach the required level.
• Individual, self-paced curriculum enabling comfortable and effective learning
• Learning environment that adheres to student’s needs
• Technologies that enriches learning potential and boost creativity
• Frequent skills checks that help to be in a constant study progress
More e-learning platforms:
With the help of technology, the way knowledge is passed on will undergo significant shift towards online platforms. Learning will incorporate virtual reality and multiple perspectives. New platforms will give students an opportunity to learn how to negotiate issues and exchange ideas online. It is the right way to online education.
• E-learning is much more affordable for people with limited budget
• Distant learning enables to mix study, work and family duties, and maintain the balance between them
• Physical presence is not required, so learning becomes affordable in any corner of the world.
No physical campus:
There will probably be no campuses as we know them today. Learning won’t be limited to a physical school. Traveling classrooms and the real world environment will be a new campus. However, city libraries and city laboratories will remain to help students complete their projects.
• Students are no longer dependent upon a certain place and are able to study wherever they are.
• Students become closer to nature as they have a chance to spend more time out of the classroom
• Unlimited study space makes students more open to the world around facing its real challenges
Project-based learning & Rise of Education Technology in the classroom:
Games that help kids code, toys which teach robotics, and various apps for teachers to efficiently deliver information to students will become common. Technologies will facilitate teaching and learning process. Learning will come to be more creative and practical. Students will be assessed on critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Taking tests will be replaced by students’ performance through creative projects.
• Project-based learning combines creativity and collaboration to problem solve difficult questions and tasks
• PBL provides real world connection, structured collaboration, core to learning and multifaceted assessment
• Education technology in schools improves digital literacy enabling students to master technical skills such as coding
• Learning through reading or lecture videos and doing project or discussing what was learned in the classroom is possible only through Edtech
• Education Technology makes grading much easier. There are tons of EdTech tools that enables automated grade calculation and measuring student progress.
teacher as a guide:
The role of a teacher will be not only to pass the knowledge but also to identify student’s strengths, interests and values. Their primary job will be to guide students in the areas where they need guidance as innovators.
• Teachers perform as facilitators to support students in developing their way of thinking and learning
• Teachers develop learning plans for students to obtain all necessary set of skills to be adaptable to whatever career paradigm that will emerge.
Social and Emotional skills as a priority:
To thrive in the workplace of the future, skills such as creativity, collaboration, communication and problem-solving will become must-have competencies for future specialists as the market will see a huge increase in jobs requiring a mentioned set of skills.
• In the classroom, students are taught SEL skills through discussions, cooperative group work, problem-solving and group reflection.
• Parents also encourage children to develop SEL skills by remaining involved in their child’s education and providing a safe environment that will foster their further development.
• Extracurricular activities such as sports and music perform as accelerators for quicker SEL skills attainment
Connectedness, collaboration and co-creation
The concept of a teacher standing in front of a room full of students who listen and respond to direction is increasingly a thing of the past.
While not an entirely new approach, student learning spaces will supercede the typical classroom that we know today. This will see students become partners or co-creators of their own learning.
“Experiences that allow collaboration, communication and teamwork for all students often happen beyond classroom walls. We need to facilitate for these experiences in context, and our classrooms need to be a reflection of this,” McLaughlin says.
They will be set up to allow collaboration to occur on learning projects between individuals, small groups or larger groups.
Classrooms will coexist as physical spaces and online, flipping the current learning model upside down so that students can learn at home and spend class time collaborating and applying their knowledge to real-life issues
Anywhere, anytime learning
As we ride the wave of the digital era, it is becoming easier to get connected with a global reach. A world of information is at your fingertips with the click of a button or a simple voice command, and, as technology continues to advance, students need to grow their learning with it.
Technology is no longer a motivating factor when it comes to learning – it is a must. It’s something that needs to be incorporated in the future of education to ensure students are equipped with the skills to cope in a world dependent on technology.
While some argue that technology in our classrooms creates lazy, disconnected students, McLaughlin believes this is a myth. She says technology has created endless boundaries of where learning can occur, with whom and why.
“The reality is, classrooms can be anywhere anytime. Students can be working on projects in virtual contexts with other students from around the world at any given moment,” she says.
Technological advances have enabled interconnectedness of information and people with the touch of a button.
Education in the future will need to demonstrate how technology can be used to students’ advantage, as well as teach future generations how to handle problems that arise from it.
“Technology can change learning forever and we need to embrace it and manipulate it to our advantage,” McLaughlin says.
Customisation for a learner-first approach:
Long side our changing notions of what constitutes a classroom, our ideas about the way teaching is delivered must also be reshaped.
“Most professions treat each individual’s case differently – each patient of a doctor has individualised treatment plans. Education should be no different,” McLaughlin says.
She says the old ‘one model of teaching and learning fits all’ is outdated and has no place in the agenda for future education. Teachers will become facilitators of learning and students will have more control of their own learning journey.
“In the past, all children did the same work regardless of ability or skills. We now know that this contributes to disengagement, misbehaviour and poor outcomes,” she says.
As a result, teachers will have individualised learning plans for students, which will enable each student to learn at a pace that best suits their abilities and to engage with content that is most beneficial to them.
A combination of evidence-gathering and feedback from parents, students and other professions will enable these plans to be successfully integrated into the education system.
To maximise the potential for individual progress, some elements of teacher-led learning will remain, which will augment traditional learning practices when combined with online digital media.
Five students work on their projects around a wooden table.Classrooms of tomorrow need to focus on a combination of student engagement in learning, enquiry-based approaches, curiosity, imagination and design thinking.
Putting testing to the test
Students today are heavily focused on the end result – achieving that high ATAR score, receiving a distinction in class, acing those tests. Education of the future will prove what you have been told many times before: results do not define you.
“We too easily jump onto the test results in isolation of what we need to achieve. This can lead us off in the wrong direct to what’s really important,” she says.
Grading is a waste of time if its purpose is solely to point out who is at the top and who is at the bottom. Assessments in the future will be evidence based, using measures that allow learning plans to be drawn up and personalised.
Educators of the future
Curriculum teaching and learning already extends well beyond the classroom and will continue to do so, and as education changes to suit the future’s needs, the role of a teacher must also adapt and grow. It is each teacher’s responsibility to empower students to take risks, be innovative and seize any opportunity thrown their way.
In light of a shift towards a more personalised learner experience, teachers of the future must be prepared to be data collectors, as well as analysts, planners, collaborators, curriculum experts, synthesizers, problem-solvers and researchers.

Dr. Mamta Singh
B.A | B.Ed | M.A | Persuing M.Ed
School Principal at Rahul Education, Queen Mary’s High School
India is well-poised to take this leap forward with increasing access to tech-based infrastructure, electricity, and affordable internet connectivity, fueled by flagship programmes such as Digital India and the Ministry of Education’s initiatives, including the Digital Infrastructure for School Education.
Intranet or communication platforms to enable communication between students, teachers and parents. E-learning and course management platforms for coursework, assignments and grades/report cards. Cloud storage creates paperless systems. Tablets to replace school books.
All schools will no longer have a writing board and everything will be replaced by laptops. Books, pencils, pens will be a thing of the past and everything will be digital. The kids need not come to school and could do online studying at home.
Futuristic Education Initiatives forayed into the field of education with a one-point agenda of providing world-class education to children through Advanced Learning to make them globally competitive.
Education is a powerful agent of change, and improves health and livelihoods, contributes to social stability and drives long-term economic growth. Education is also essential to the success of every one of the 17 sustainable development goals.
Future Educators for Excellence prepares students to be leaders in the field of education (e.g., teaching, library, school psychology, etc.) by encouraging active participation in career and academic planning, personal and professional development, and experiential learning through fieldwork.
The future of technology in education is helping teachers to expand beyond linear, text-based learning and to engage students who learn best in other ways. Also, students that feel like studying from home can now do it. Advancement of information technology in education has improved research.
Education gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things
Horace Mann Known as the “father of American education,” Horace Mann (1796–1859), a major force behind establishing unified school systems, worked to establish a varied curriculum that excluded sectarian instruction.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela said it. Education allows us to better understand the world in which we live. Through education, we have become thoughtful about what happens around us.