Before we get into our topic, let us first, get a crystal clear idea about the meanings of the two keywords, which we quite often take for granted that we are aware of the same. “Teacher” this term has come from the main verb. “Teach” — which means to give someone knowledge or to train someone, to INSTRUCT. Thus, a “Teacher” is someone whose job is to teach in a school or college. But today, the job of a teacher has become much more challenging.
A Teacher is not only a person who teaches, but is alsoa guide, a facilitator, a diagnostician, a friend, a philosopher, an actor, an administrator, a scientist etc. The next term that we have to get acquainted is the term “Learner”. The word “Learner” comes from the main verb “Learn” which means to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity. The term “Learner” means a person who is still learning something. The term “learning” means the activity of obtaining knowledge. Teaching and learning are the processes that are inseparably linked together. Teachers are professional learners. In fact, every good teacher should basically be a good learner in the first place. A teacher who has mastered the art of learning can bring about the same in his/her students. Such a teacher will automatically be motivated and “MOTIVATION IS THE STARTING POINT FOR ALL LEARNING”.
Teachers should be expert learners. They must transfer their abilities of learning to their students. The single most important consideration to keep in mind is that students learn in different ways. Multiple intelligence, constructivism, Right-Left side of the brain, the list goes on and on. Each of these theories carries something of interest for the teachers. Gathering little pears of wisdom from each theory, the teacher is able to develop a personal learning theory that works for them and their students. Teachers have been accomplishing this for years. Teaching and learning are processes that are inseparably linked together. Teachers are professional learners. Good teachers are able to incite students with a desire to learn. Effective teachers are able to stimulate students to learn specific types of things Teaching is guiding another person to find opportunities for them to learn something. Designed with proper care, these experiences will result in learning with the desired outcome. There are a number of factors involved in designing the learning experience. Most often teachers need to rely on their own instincts to develop these learning experiences.
Today, the scenario in the field of teaching-learning has witnessed a drastic shift. I teach you learn. It today sounds like “Cavemen” talk. We as teachers can “teach” all we want but without the Student involvement, there is no learning Student have to be sold on learning Teachers are like salespersons. As any good sales person will know, there are four steps to a successful sale.
- The customers must realize that they have a need.
- A means must be shown to satisfy their need.
- The means leads to this liarticular liroduct as the liroduct that best fulfils the need
- The salesman must show that the customer needs this liarticular liroduct now and close the sale with the liurchase.
Likewise, a teacher must realize that every student sitting in the class has a different need and a different pattern and style of learning and that particular need must be satisfied and that learning style has to be identified. The teacher must never forget that – ALL CHILDREN HAVE A BASIC HUMAN DRIVE TO LEARN – this is the heart of an Educational Principle. Children silting in the classrooms are eager to learn whether they are aware of it or not. The teachers must provide the opportunities for these students to channel their need into a constructive experience.
Teachers are multi-taskers and need to play varied roles. A teacher has to play the role of an administrator, actor, scientist, artist, facilitator, diagnostician, friend, philosopher, guide etc. When the teacher plays all these roles and puts it all together, it will result in an amazing miracle- the child learning! In order to be a real learner the teacher should read every day. Infect every teacher must have his / her personal library. Unless you read and equip yourself. How can you teach the young? Now, that I have got my degrees and there is nothing to know more this kind of tendency would be injustice on the part of student. A Man learns throughout the life. If you stop teach you cease to teach you as a teacher can keep yourself at the student position by being in touch with the different learning sources. Thus, being a learner, by the teacher himself herself will infuse the teacher and the learner with a new zeal and enthusiasm for furthering learning among the students and making learning teaching a fun and value based system of Education.

Mr. Mahadev Kokate
M.Sc | B.Ed | MBA
School Principal at Rahul Education, Mother Mery’s English High School, Nallasopara(w)
The teacher-learner relationship confers rights and responsibilities on both parties. Behaving in a way that embodies the ideal teacher-learner relationship creates a culture of mutual respect, minimizes the likelihood of student mistreatment and optimizes the educational experience.
Resource.–One of the top roles a teacher must fill is that of a resource specialists.
Support–Students are the ones who need support when learning a new skill or piece of information. …
Mentor. …
Helping hand. …
Dedication. One of the most important parts of teaching is having dedication. Teachers not only listen, but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help shape academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve them.